Friday, January 04, 2008

Maven, rmic-maven-plugin and the Ant task

This is a Java tech post, not the type I usually include here, but I spent a lot of time searching for the solution and I wanted to share my findings.

I'm migrating a project at work from Ant to Maven and needed to RMI Compile (rmic) some classes.

There appear to be a couple options: Using a Maven Plugin, rmic-maven-plugin, or using the rmic Ant task. The plugin is not very well documented and is still in an Alpha-SNAPSHOT version. The Ant task works great.

I found some direction on using the task from Maven from here:

If you don't setup the dependencies for the maven-antrun-plugin, you'll end up with this error:
"Cannot use SUN rmic, as it is not available. A common solution is to
set the environment variable JAVA_HOME or CLASSPATH."

Below is a snippet from my pom.xml file.

<!-- runtime dependency for the antrun plugin.
It brings tools.jar into the plugins execution
space so the 'rmic' compiler can be called from
Ant's <rmic/> task.
<rmic verify="true" debug="on"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you a lot.. very useful